Young Curators Residency Programme
Every year since 2007 Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo promotes the Young Curators Residency Programme Torino. The project aims to support emerging curatorial practice while spreading knowledge of the Italian art scene on an international level.
Young Curators Residency Programme 2017 Curated by Lorenzo Balbi
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin May 16 – October 15, 2017
Artists: AFTERALL, Elisabetta Benassi, Francesco Bertelé, Ludovica Carbotta, Paolo Chiasera, Gandolfo Gabriele David, Nicolò Degiorgis, Francesca Grilli, Elena Mazzi e Rosario Sorbello, Stefan Milosavljeic, Carmelo Nicotra.
Contributions by: Lorenzo Balbi, Inês Geraldes Cardoso, Andrew de Brún, Kateryna Filyuk, Pascal Gielen, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Translations: Gaia Del Gobbo, Rachel Moland, Elisabetta Zoni
Design: Joseph Miceli, Lina Ozerkina
Printed in Italy by Friends Make Books, Tipografia Anró
©2025 Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Young Curators Residency Programme
Every year since 2007 Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo promotes the Young Curators Residency Programme Torino. The project aims to support emerging curatorial practice while spreading knowledge of the Italian art scene on an international level.